Sunday, October 24, 2010

Purpose of a Resume - The address.

Okay so you are applying for jobs by sending your resume out to employers but you haven't received any responses back from the employers. Do you think that they are just not responding or is there something wrong with your resume.

80% (my personal opinion) of the time, it's your resume. How is your resume structured? Are there words misspelled? Is there an inconsistency with your format? Is it personal to the employer? These are questions you should ask before you send out that resume to the employer.
First let's start by looking at the resume from top to bottom.
Does your resume have your full name and full address?
Usually addresses on resumes are structured in this format:

John Doe
123 Happy Street
New York, NY 12345

As you see the address is a full address. Employers like to see a potential employee's mailing address for mailing purposes. The address doesn't have to be your home address but it should be the best way to contact you via mail. Try to stay away from P.O. Box addresses. This may be unlikely in today's age but employer's may want to contact you via mail.

The next point I want to address is the phone number. The phone number that you put on your resume should be the best way to contact you. You don't have just use your home or cellular phone number. You can use both numbers, if you feel it's necessary. If you are the type of person that changes your number often, please keep your resume updated.

The last point that I would like to make is the e-mail address. Everyone, I repeat everyone must have an e-mail address. I feel that it's not even an option to put it on your resume. Employers are using the convenience of the internet to look for potential employees. When you find a job opening online, you usually have to e-mail or submit the resume tot he employer. Once you submit the resume via electronic format, you might receive a confirmation of your submission or you'll get a response directly for their HR representatitve in regards to your submission. The employer's rep. might even choose to contact you directly via e-mail.
Please make sure your e-mail address is professional. Professional, meaning, don't use sexychick23 or thuglife86 as your address. A professional e-mail address should stay away from all the indirect innuendoes or personality traits. I would recommend that it should consist of a combination of your first and last name with a number i.e. john.doe22 or jdoe22 or johnd22.

The format and structure of your address is under your discretion but make it easy to understand.

Which one should you use?

Objective: To obtain a position where I can utilize my skills and experiences.


Objective: To obtain a position as a Personal Trainer with Pump Yourself Up Gym Corp.

To be continued...

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